HeartFull Gatherings is my love offering, bringing people together in the name of joy, community, love, and good eats. These gatherings have evolved significantly from their humble beginnings as impromptu events at my home to becoming sought-after experiences for people looking to invest in their mental health while building community.


One of the key components that have contributed to the growth and success of HeartFull Gatherings Day Popups is the collaboration with brands and companies that share the vision of promoting well-being, mental health, and community. These partnerships have allowed me to create exclusive experiences that purposefully promote well-being, play, mental health, and community through engaging and meaningful connections, all while enjoying delicious food.

They are designed to be heartFULL and welcoming, providing a space where people can come together, share stories, and build relationships in a relaxed and supportive environment. Whether it’s a mindfulness workshop, a cooking class, or a community dinner, each HeartFull Gathering is curated with care to ensure that every participant leaves feeling nourished in both body and soul.

Brands and companies are invited to join us on a heartfelt mission as we continue to foster joy, connection, and well-being through the power of community and good food. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you’re interested in partnering or creating team-building initiatives with HeartFull Gatherings.


HeartFull Retreats offer a transformative journey encompassing grounding practices, releasing stress and tension, embracing stillness, and savoring nourishing meals that feed both body and soul. Imagine stepping into a serene environment where the air is filled with tranquility and the surroundings invite you to let go of worries and connect deeply with yourself.

The retreat begins with grounding exercises, such as mindful walking or meditation, to help participants center themselves and find inner peace. Through guided sessions and workshops, guests explore techniques to release emotional baggage, quiet the mind, and cultivate a sense of calmness and clarity.

Being still becomes a cherished practice during the retreat, allowing individuals to pause, reflect, and reconnect with their inner wisdom. This time of stillness fosters introspection, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of one’s desires and intentions.

Nourishing meals are an integral part of the retreat experience, carefully curated to delight the senses and support overall well-being. Each dish is thoughtfully prepared using fresh, wholesome ingredients that not only satisfy the palate but also nourish the body and uplift the spirit.

Picture yourself gathering around a beautifully set table, savoring each bite mindfully, and engaging in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals. These shared meals create a sense of community and connection, enhancing the overall retreat experience.

Every aspect is designed to promote holistic wellness, foster personal growth, and create lasting memories. It’s a time to replenish, rejuvenate, and realign with what truly matters in life, I would love to curate this experience for you and your krewe.

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