Miracle signs and wonders have truly defined my life these past few weeks. During this time of fasting and listening, I’ve been intentionally erasing the noise from the outside world. It’s been a beautiful sight, from seeing hummingbirds, butterflies, doves daily, rainbows and hearts showing up in the most conspicuous places. Life has felt surreal. In the midst of it all, my biggest takeaway has been embracing my authentic self.

“Jayda, stand in your power. Stand in the light even more. Activate those things that have been dormant or that you’ve pushed aside. Do the things you’ve wanted to do for a long time. Stand in your truth, colorfully and boldly, as you were created to be.” This realization has refreshed and energized me, ready to live life to the fullest per usual, but even bolder and at a higher level than ever before.

I am grateful for this experience. It’s great to sometimes take a break from all the noise. I understand that we can’t always get away for weeks at a time, but practicing mindfulness daily is so beneficial. The other day, I was in Washington DC, and I decided to have breakfast outside, truly savoring the moment and it felt delightful. While I often find myself doing this, lately it has been more intentional—more mindful. I’ve been more attuned to the presence that brings messages and to what I need in this space right now. I ask myself: What can I do more of in this space? What can I do less of? It feels amazing and beautiful.

My wish for you is that miracles, wonders, and signs will show up for you, and that you find the time and mindfulness to see them.