Happy Monday, beautiful people! I hope you are well and smiling because it looks so good on you. As for me, I am definitely smiling and feeling grateful today. Life is good, and I am thankful. In this season, I’m reminded heavily of my gifts and how they can open doors for both me and others. The gift I enjoy the most is seeing other people come alive again through my love offerings, especially those searching for purpose. I believe acts of kindness and speaking life can make a big difference in someone’s life.

If you are hiding behind a gift or are afraid to use your talents, I encourage you to take the leap and act upon them. Sometimes, we don’t realize how powerful our gifts can be until we share them with others.

As I was leaving the domestic abuse shelter that houses women and their children I was reminded of the time when God gave me the vision to go on a road trip across the country to feed the hungry. It was a crazy idea to me and to others because I had no money and was still recovering from Hurricane Katrina. But God said, “Go, and it’s gonna be good, and people will support you.” The thought made me call my sister-in-law, Diana, to thank her for being crazy enough to go on this road trip with me. We set out on the journey, and along the way, we faced some challenges.

At one point, I decided to cut the road trip short to pick up my kids. But something unexpected happened. I was arrested in Rawlins, Wyoming, for something I had no idea that I had a warrant for. I was taken to jail and spent 45 days in there 30 in Rawlins and the rest in Detroit, MI). It was a crazy time, but also a beautiful one. I was able to meet and speak with so many women (and men) who were going through their own struggles. I saw the chains of bondage fall off of them as I spoke life into them.

I always think about that experience, and how it reminded me of the importance of following our calling, even when it doesn’t make sense, especially when we have the freedom to do so. Not everyone has that freedom, like the countless women and children hiding and finding refuge from their abusers, or the women and men in prisons. 

So, my message to you today is to use your gifts, follow your calling, and embrace the freedom you have. Tie up those laces, let’s geaux!

With Love,
